Tag: Leadership

Year Round Stewardship Plan

Hopefully this is timely and helpful for any church struggling financially. Here’s the bad news: There is no silver bullet when it comes to raising up generous givers. If your church is struggling financially, there is no quick fix. There is a strong spiritual element connected to our relationship with money…and practically nothing happens quickly…

How to win as a Finance Committee

This was from a training that I did in the Fall of 2019 for United Methodist churches in Southeastern South Dakota. While most finance committees focus on reviewing reports and looking at cutting expenses, some are making a huge impact in helping their churches succeed. They are growing the church’s income, improving operations/decision making, and…

Fear of the Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is often the least appreciated committee in the church. Pastors and program staff/committees complain because the Finance Committee is always quick to raise concerns. But here’s the deal, the Finance Committee is like the brakes, and the Programs/Pastors are like the gas pedal. Just try driving a car without a brake AND…